Parents Evening - 10th November 2022

Thu 03 Nov 2022
Our first Parents Evening of the academic year is taking place on Thursday 10th November between 4pm-6pm.  We are operating a new style format for this event, and details are provided below of how you can book to see teachers.  This is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet with staff that teach your young person so they can share important information with you regarding your child’s progress, areas for development and support that is provided in school, as well as support that you can give at home.

 How do I book to see a teacher?

·         Refer to page 172 of your child’s planner
·         You will see three headings – use ‘Parents Evening 1’
·         Direct your child to speak with teachers who you would like to see and let them know when you are available for them to make appointments
·         Your child should record details of their appointments in their planner
·         Bring the planner with you on Parents Evening so you have a record of appointment times

If your child has lost their planner, please ask them to ask their tutor for a spare sheet for them to make appointments on.