On friday this week (12=many students and staff across the Outwood Family will be participating in an event where they experience fasting and reflection.
Religious fasting is practiced by people of all faiths, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, as well as Hinduism, Judaism, and Taoism.
It is a means of reflecting and in this case it is people standing in solidarity with those facing food insecurity; people who have limited access to adequate food.
It is important that fasting is part of a healthy lifestyle and that it does not affect people's health and / or any medical concerns.
Fasting can be giving up your favourite food or drink for the day or you may consider with parent / carer support not eating and/or drinking for most of a day (until dusk) or for half a day
You may also support this important cause by donating using the QR code and/or links on our academy Instagram page which shares more information about this experience.